街头投篮 - 篮球游戏

街头投篮 - 篮球游戏
Fred Hall


街头拍摄 - 篮球


游戏的目的是在规定时间内尽可能多地上篮得分。 看看你能得到多少分。

您的游戏将在广告后开始 ----


See_also: 二战历史:儿童的硫磺岛之战

点击箭头开始游戏。 在下一个屏幕,选择一个篮球运动员并点击屏幕。

See_also: 孩子们的笑话:清洁食品笑话的大清单

用鼠标来射球。 点击球,然后向你想射的方向滑动鼠标。 当你想射的时候,放开鼠标。

提示:尝试用一些拱形的方式来射球(在空中更高)。 这将使射门有更好的机会进入。

提示:你连续射击的次数越多,你得到的分数就越多。 注意屏幕下方的 "射击栏"。 火球值5分,紫球给你奖励时间和3分。


游戏>> 体育游戏

Fred Hall
Fred Hall
Fred Hall is a passionate blogger who has a keen interest in various subjects such as history, biography, geography, science, and games. He has been writing about these topics for several years now, and his blogs have been read and appreciated by many. Fred is highly knowledgeable in the subjects he covers, and he strives to provide informative and engaging content that appeals to a wide range of readers. His love of learning about new things is what drives him to explore new areas of interest and share his insights with his readers. With his expertise and engaging writing style, Fred Hall is a name that readers of his blog can trust and rely on.