
Fred Hall

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  • 选择 "水平 "设置
  • 按 "开始打字测试 "按钮。
  • 尽可能快而准确地打入句子。
  • 按 "完成 "按钮。
现在你将得到你的结果。 该程序将告诉你,你是否正确输入了单词和标点符号,以及你每分钟输入了多少个单词。


See_also: 孩子们的古希腊:米诺斯人和迈锡尼人
  • 初学者--短句子,每句约7个单词。
  • 新手 - 中等的句子,约10个单词。
  • 专家 - 较长的句子,约15个字。

许多句子以美国革命为主题。 希望学生在测试打字的同时能学到一些历史知识。 提供的原始Javascript

作者:The JavaScript Source

游戏>> 打字游戏

See_also: 孩子们的节日:独立日(7月4日)

Fred Hall
Fred Hall
Fred Hall is a passionate blogger who has a keen interest in various subjects such as history, biography, geography, science, and games. He has been writing about these topics for several years now, and his blogs have been read and appreciated by many. Fred is highly knowledgeable in the subjects he covers, and he strives to provide informative and engaging content that appeals to a wide range of readers. His love of learning about new things is what drives him to explore new areas of interest and share his insights with his readers. With his expertise and engaging writing style, Fred Hall is a name that readers of his blog can trust and rely on.